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Showing posts from September, 2010

Gliese 581g

So...there is probably intelligent life out there.  As the old Monty Python saying goes, "I hope so, cause there certainly isn't much here on earth."  Case in point.  The video for Gliese581g is on MSNBC, and works fine in IE, but crashes in Chrome [ here ].

Goodbye Telco

Facebook + Skype = even more challenges for traditional telco's. It is only a matter of time before Google Voice is integrated with Google Apps for Business.  Then, both consumers and business users will have viable, fully integrated, seamless voice experiences that push traditional telco's even closer to being pipes, and only pipes.

Timed math tests

You have 3.2 seconds to figure out the problem below. Alan knows 90% of the concepts behind the math test, and can do those 90% very quickly.  He always gets 90% on timed math tests. Bob knows 100% of the concepts, but is a slow worker.  In the timed math test, he gets 75%, but, if given an extra 10 minutes, would get 100%. Alan graduates with an A; Bob with a C. You are building a bridge. Who would you hire? Seems like everyone from Gates to Zuckerberg has problems with how education is carried out today.  I wish I had some of their clout and could help to change the system.

Texas Textbooks

The story of Texas banning history textbooks for being pro-this or pro-that (versus any discussion of being historically accurate) has been covered a lot today:  here It strikes me that the most relevant related link is:  here Just saying....