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Showing posts from January, 2011

USA: Guns

I was reading Canada's Maclean's magazine this morning, with a lead article on the Arizona shooting.  Some of the numbers are amazing (and shocking).   With all the political rhetoric leading up to, and culminating in, the Giffords shooting, one thing is clear:  If the Palin targeting campaign did not have any impact on the shooting, it easily could have.  And therefore, something needs to change.  However, I suspect that the "dialog" resulting from this will result in even more divisive politics, instead of any positive change :-/ 1.30 million US citizens have been killed by firearms in the last 40 years, or over 32K per year. 0.58 million US troops have been killed in action since 1776, or about 2.5K per year 283M guns are currently in civilian hands The annual death rate from firearms is about 10 per 100,000 The annual death rate from motor vehicle accidents is about 15 per 100,000 Here is some data for other "democratic" countries: --------...

Time Teleportation

I guess this should not be a surprise...given the space-time continuum. However, for some reason it is harder to contemplate time entanglement than space entanglement. In space entanglement, I can measure either entangled particle, and the other will be the same. In time entanglement it makes sense that I can measure a particle in the past, and its future partner will have the same value...but this also implies that if I measure the future of a particle, I force its past into the same state. Is there a way to change the past hidden in here? in reference to: ( view on Google Sidewiki )

Tiny Silicon Chip Uses Quantum Physics to Slow Light Down | Wired Science |

Tiny Silicon Chip Uses Quantum Physics to Slow Light Down | Wired Science | OK - this is cool and interesting. BUT - what does it mean. Authors of articles like this one should at least attempt to highlight some real commercial applications. Why does slowing down light matter? I guess, if you can "stop" light, you can store photons as memory, which would be pretty efficient. Is that the ultimate goal?

Antimatter Storms: Antimatter Discovered in Earth's Storms (Video) | Science | Epoch Times

When I was going through school, antimatter was something that occured around black holes, as matter/anti-matter pairs were created and destroyed. Yet another example of how terribly wrong we can be. Antimatter from something as simple as a storm? Antimatter Storms: Antimatter Discovered in Earth's Storms (Video) | Science | Epoch Times It makes you wonder what we are completely wrong about today. Physics is, I believe, more about the journey than the destination. It is great that no destination is yet in sight :-)