Here is your guide to "sharking" a car.
With Carshark, and a little creativity, you to can make your drive to work more interesting. In the paper they show you how to hook things up so that you can control a car through WiFi.
You are sitting at a red light, and want to have a little fun. How about sending 07 AE 15 A2; this controls the horn frequency? Drive-by ringtones. Could be a $1B business.
With Carshark, and a little creativity, you to can make your drive to work more interesting. In the paper they show you how to hook things up so that you can control a car through WiFi.
You are sitting at a red light, and want to have a little fun. How about sending 07 AE 15 A2; this controls the horn frequency? Drive-by ringtones. Could be a $1B business.